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"Lyrics From Lockdown" - Primary School

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

Jesse Eckard

Primary School Grade 5 Age: 11

Poem: My familie

My familie is die beste

Maar nooit die slegste.

Somtyds kry ons baie seer

Maar ons probeer altyd weer.

My familie is baie groot

Gelukkig pas ons almal op ‘n boot.

Ons maak baie lawaai

En somtyds word ons bure kwaai.

My ma hou nie van ry

Sy gaan ‘n hartaanval kry

My pa is ‘n onderwyser

En hy hou van syfers.

My broers en susters is baie life vir my.

Dit maak my baie bly

Ek hoop ek verloor hulle nooit

Want ek het die beste familie ooit.


Anwesha Maity

Primary School Grade 5 Age: 11

Poem: My familie

My familie het tien lede

en ons bly almal in verskillende stede.

Ons moet luister na elke reël.

Anders word ons gehok en dit sal ons verveel.

Ons moenie terugpraat nie, dit is ongeskik,

anders sal my oupa of my pa ons oor die vingers tik.

Ons is baie life vir mekaar

en my pa wat ons slaan is raar

My pa gee baie vir ons om,

maar as ons lawaai sal hy grom.

My ma is baie saggeaard

en wanneer ons in die moeilikheid is, bly sy bedaard.

My oupa is baie ferm

en as my oupa skree, begin my broer kerm.

My gesin is baie gaaf

saam is ons vreeslik braaf


Tumishang Masela

Primary School Grade 6 Age: 12

Poem: Bana ba Afrika Borwa

Afrika Borwa motswadi wa bana,

Bana ba merafe ya go fapana,

Bana ba mebala boka molalatladi.

A re hlokomeleng legae le la rena,

Re se le tšhilafatše ka mekgwa le mesepelo ye mebe,

Re boloke bokamoso bja setšhaba,

Re boloke bohwa bja Afrika Borwa,

Le diphedi tšohle di lego go yona,

Re ipshine ka setšo sa rena,

Re ikgantšhe ka Afrika Borwa ya rena.


Kgosi Mmutle

Primary School Grade 6 Age: 12

Poem: Bolwetši bja Khorona

O rile go fihla nageng ya gešo,

Nageng ya Afrika Borwa,

Dilo tšohle tša fetoga,

Maphelo a batho a šarakana.

Afrika Borwa naga ya go ela maswi le dinose,

Ya fetoga lefelo la bodutwana,

Bana ga ba sa kgona go bapala,

Goba gona go ya dikolong ba lokologile.

Batho ba gomile go ya ntlongkgethwa,

Go tumiša yo Godimodimo,

Boela mo o tšwago wena nta malomelakobong,

Pula e ne, bophelo bo boele sekeng.


Mongwadi: Nokhala Phahlane

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Poem: Leswena la Covid 19

Covid, wena mofetola maphelo a batho,

O fihlile re sa go nagana,

Ebile re sa go tsebe,

O emišitše lefase ka maoto.

Dinaga di tswaletšwe ka lebaka la gago.

Dikolo le tšona tša tswalelwa,

Batho ga ba sa ya mešomong,

Borakgwebo ga ba tsebe gore ba dire eng.

Batho ba lobile mešomo ya bona,

Malapa a swerwe ke tlala,

A swerwe ke yena monna yo mosesane,

Masogana a a lla,

Mohlodi wa tše ka moka ke wena, Covid 19.


Runako Benyera

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Haiku Poems:


The sun's rays hit you

You are currently a plant

The warmth makes you grow


The wind rushes past

The cold is unforgiving

Our organs frozen


Small feet going clack

Sleeping on the warm pavement

I am a small dog.


Muano Tshikovhi

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Poems and Haikus:

Spring time!

Awaiting those days,

We weeped in caves deep as graves

Spring, I now welcome

Winter days

The leaves have fallen

The snowy floor awakened

Been through this before 😢


Leaves no longer green

Softly hugging the earth’s soil

Autumn is colour


Levi Thumbran

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Colour Poems:


Swimming in water

Darkness all around, left in silence

The red moon arises


Gloomy night sky

Bright orange blush releases

Morning hour's here


Mystical Woods

Bright yellow lotus flowerSitting in a stream


The last leaf

Summer and spring disappears

The green hue is gone


Freshly rained upon highway

Puddle upon puddles of water

New blue liquid is here


Indigo diamond

Blue, depressed flowers

This colour is madness


Nicely pampered garden

Roses, tulips and violets

Here they are one unity


Levi Thumbran

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Prose: Was this murder

One Night at 'Chargers'

One night. Levi and his best friend Nathan were bored at home, so they decided to do some clubbing, little did they know this idea would change the rest of their lives.They got to the front door of the best club in New York, 'Chargers'. Its loud music shook the entire city and its great big, brown farm oak doors only opened at night.

The wait list was long, but Levi called in a couple of favours and got their names on the list. As they stepped inside they were absorbed by the music and could not even hear themselves think. They got on the dance floor and they let their 'crazy' out that had been sitting in their bodies the whole week, as they worked at that measly grocery store on “Elm Street”.

The hours flew by like breath leaving their bodies. There was a photo booth at the back of the club so they decided to take some pictures, to remember this night forever. As they left the photo booth Nathan yelled at Levi, “I’m going to step outside for a little bit,”.

“Okay just remember,.. don’t talk to weird people,” announced Levi.

Nathan was gone for at least a couple of hours. When Levi realized this, he went searching for him. He stepped through the back door of the club and there he saw something that would haunt him for eternity, standing over a dead body, shaking and crying, was Nathan. The body was a woman in her early 20's, blonde hair and an unusually shaped mouth and nose, she had stab wounds in her stomach, and the blood ruined her white dress.

Levi screamed and wished he never saw this sight, praying under his breath. Nathan had a knife in his hand with blood dripping down like a tap with a leakage problem. “She just kept trying to get me to buy her a new car and she smelled like drugs and alcohol, I didn’t know what to do, so I just grabbed the knife and stabbed her twice. I did not mean to do this. Levi Please help I’m scared,” whispered Nathan from behind the veil of tears.

Levi replied in the calmest tone he had, “Nathan I am not going to turn you in, drop the knife and we can go home. All this can be behind us”. Nathan slowly put the knife down and backed away slowly. Levi picked the knife up with a plastic bag and wiped off the fingerprints, after this he put the bag in his pocket and took Nathan’s hand and disappeared into the ominous, horrifying night.

The darkness seemed to be crushing their bodies, and the heavy guilt on their shoulders, was too much for two humans to bare alone. Nathan could not stop whispering to himself, ”What if she had kids, what if her mother is waiting up at home. I shouldn’t have done that.” The more he said this, the more he got violent. Hitting his head and slapping his face. Levi grabbed Nathan’s hand and said, ”Don’t worry it was self-defence.” This made Nathan calm down a little, but his mind was ticking like a bomb, and it was just waiting for a terrorist to set it off.

They got home and Levi put Nathan straight to bed in his room, and Levi slept on the couch. It was not a bad couch, it had gold lining and black Italian leather, it was uncomfortable in one position but the rest was fine.

The next morning. Levi woke up and switched the TV on, as this was his morning routine. On every channel, it was the same news reporter. “We interrupt this program for breaking news. The mayor’s daughter, Melissa Portman was murdered last night,” stated the reporter.

While the news was playing, Nathan came downstairs and saw this, immediately he fainted and hit the ground with a hard thud. Levi grabbed the bottle of sparkling water from the fridge and threw it onto Nathan’s face.

When Nathan woke up they decided to go for a walk to clear their minds of this dark cloud of confusion and mixed emotions, to get rid of this aura that was following them. Walking would help them make their next rational choice. They took a break, on the corner of Main and Nicolas Drive. This was when they saw it, a huge billboard with the words,” $150 000 000 BOUNTY FOR WHOEVER CAN BRING ME THE KILLER OF MY DAUGHTER.” These words were in a speech bubble coming out of the mayor’s mouth.

This sent shivers down Levi’s spine, like a thousand ants crawling all over his nervous system. Levi made sure Nathan didn’t see this, he did not want to make his anxiety any worse.

Nathan and Levi walked home. As they stepped inside Nathan took his coat off and told Levi that they should lay low for a couple days.Nathan turned around and saw Levi, his eyes full of tears and a gun pointing directly towards Nathan’s heart. ”Levi what are you doing, please put the gun down. We can’t turn on each other,” Nathan cried out.

Begging for his life, Levi’s head was spinning around, all the things he could do with that money. Levi did not forgive himself for the choice he made, the gun went off. The tiny piece of lead flew through the air, as fast as lightning. Instead of hitting Nathan, it went right through him.

Levi was even more confused now than ever. Nathan disappeared into thin air, along with all the furniture around Levi. He closed his eyes and fell into a dark abyss that his mind had created. Instead of hitting the hardwood floor of their apartment, he fell face first out of an electric chair.

”Where am I, where’s Nathan?” Levi questioned with tears in his eyes. A voice came from behind a mirrored wall,”Young man, You’re in 'Hard Hand Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane'”. Was everything Levi just lived through a dream or a dark and grim memory?

”Oh, and another thing, you asked for a man named Nathan, is that correct? Well you were admitted here 3 weeks ago and it says in your file that you came in here saying your name was Levi, then five minutes after that, you said you were Nathan. I diagnosed you with schizophrenia to make things easier, and four weeks of Electric therapy, you stated this when they rolled you in here,” blurted the man from behind the mirror again.

Levi reached into his pocket and pulled out the roll of pictures from the club and then he realised, he was the only person in the pictures. Levi was Nathan.

To this day, Levi is sitting in cell No.324 in Section D of 'Hard Hand Mental Asylum of the Criminally Insane', and he is now forever known as 'Slasher of the Rich'.


Botshelo Semenya

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13























Tafadzwa Vambe

Primary School Grade 7 Age: 13

Haiku Poem:


Curving up then down

Having beautiful colours

Shown for all to see

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