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Dear CBC Mount Edmund Community


We wish to present the 'Arts Alive @ CBC Mount Edmund' virtual arts Website / Blog. This is an initiative that will serve as an ongoing forum, whereby the entire community of the College will be able to participate in the Arts. We proudly present our opening forums which include a section for Art, Photography and Poetry

Please take time to peruse our Art and Photography in a 'virtual' gallery, and then read the poems that will be posted in our 'virtual' anthology. We do hope to expand our creative presentations to include Sepedi and Afrikaans items, as well as other art forms in due course. 


These galleries and particularly the anthology are waiting to be filled with your awesome creations. Any member of the CBC community may participate; Parent, Teacher, High School, Primary School student or Past Pupil.  


Please feel free to admire the talents of your peers, and the community, as presented in this Website / Blog. 


Should you wish to add to the display, then please go to a 'collection point' below: 


  • Art: These items will be collected, photographed and displayed by Mrs N Georgiou and Ms D Tafani. Please contact these ladies, for any additional community art items that could be included, at:



  • Photography: Photography will be collected on the Google Classroom:

'CBC Mount Edmund - Mrs Harrison High School' 

The classroom code is: g2qnras. Submissions may be made under the task file, or alternatively may be emailed to:

  • Poetry: All school appropriate poems may be submitted, as a 12 pt Microsoft Word document on the newly created Google Classroom:

'Arts Alive @ CBC Mount Edmund: Lyrics from Lockdown' 

The classroom code is: mgrnkba. Submissions may be made under the task file, or alternatively may be emailed to:

Be inspired, be creative, but above all be a participant.

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